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Dealing with Neck Pain

Although the neck is a relatively small area of the body, it is comprised of some complicated structures which do the important job of holding your head up. The small size of the vertebrae of the neck allows for a lot of mobility, but can also make the neck more vulnerable to injury and pain. Neck pain can make even the simplest of movements involving the neck, head, arms, shoulders and back excruciatingly difficult. It can lead to headaches and difficulty using your body.

Some of the causes of neck pain include:

  • Trauma, such as whiplash
  • Sleeping position
  • Poor Posture
  • Repetitive stress
  • Abnormalities in the bone structure
  • Joint issues
  • Muscle strains and pulls

How Osteopathy Can Help

Osteopathic practitioners work to identify and diagnose patterns of strain within your body. These patterns place excessive stress on the tissues found around the head and neck which cause your pain. For example the body works to keep the eyes level, and often the muscles and joints in the neck will tighten up to compensate for anything that is happening below. Therefore in osteopathy the body is treated as a unit, helping us to address the underlying cause of your pain and not just provide you with symptomatic relief.

Osteopaths use a number of hands on techniques in the treatment of neck pain and combined with our thorough assessment we can devise an individualised treatment plan to suite your particular needs.  If you feel that we may be of assistance, please contact us directly on 0413 900 932 or you can make an appointment using our online booking tool.

Clinic Details


G14/446 Moreland Rd,
Brunswick West, Vic 3055


0413 900 932


Mon – Fri  10.00AM – 7.00PM
Sat 9.00AM – 12:00PM