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What is Acupuncture?

Acupuncture is one of the major therapeutic techniques used in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). TCM originated in China over 5000 years ago and has developed its own unique system of diagnosis and identification of disease. It works by stimulating certain pressure points through the use of fine needles to restore the body’s natural flow of energy.

The ancient Chinese believed that each person has an energy, which they called qi (pronounced chee), flowing through the body. They felt that good health is maintained if the body’s energy, or qi, is able to flow freely and harmoniously. The pathways through which qi flows are called meridians and these circulate through the organs and tissues of the body. There are over 500 acupuncture points and many of these lie along the meridians. By stimulating these points with needles, the quality and quantity of qi can be normalized to help maintain health.

Often an area or acupuncture point is warmed and stimulated by a Chinese herb. This process is called Moxibustion. Suction cups and massage may also be utilized to enhance the treatment.

What to expect during a treatment?

Acupuncture is a holistic form of medicine and therefore recognizes the complex blend of body, mind and emotion in treating the client. During a typical consultation the practitioner is concerned with all aspects of the client’s health. Details of medical history, surgical and family history and other relevant information such as exercise habits and occupation are collected. A general physical examination is conducted and the tongue and pulse are studied. This allows the practitioner to obtain an overall assessment of the disorder and an understanding of its cause.

Does it hurt?

Contrary to what many people believe, acupuncture is quite painless when performed by a skilled practitioner. Common sensations felt after being needled vary from nothing to a feeling of numbness or tingling around the point or along the meridian.

Is it safe?

Acupuncture is safe as only single-use disposable needles are used, eliminating the chance of disease transmission.

Active Body Osteopathy

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